During that period 1933 to 1944 the League introduced a second division, after which the League comprised 22 teams. This included the new “Unemployed” Sports Section (Bowls)”, for which the League petitioned the Mayor and Town Council and were granted “free use of three bowling rinks in the Park” together with “the loan of six pairs of bowls”.

A review of the Committee minutes throughout the period identifies the main recurring agenda item being disputes and protests about the cancellations of fixtures. In only the second meeting of the 1933 season, the Mayors Walk Bowls Club wrote to complain “that the League Committee was not carrying out the Rules of the League”.

At the AGM held in January 1934 the Registration Secretary reported there were 18 clubs affiliated to the League, which registered a total of 505 players in 22 teams. The greatest number of players registered by one club was 63 and the lowest 11. In the same report the finances, which showed the sum in hand at the year-end of £2 1s. (£2.05p), Mr Wakelin stated that “for the first time is his career as the Secretary, there was a transfer fee – 1s. (5p)”.

The rules were also amended in 1933 to read that “all woods are to count within the radius of four feet of the jack instead of six feet in previous seasons”.

In 1940 the League was reduced to one division but by July representatives from the teams of Newall’s, Electricity Sports, Brotherhoods and Westwood had all contacted the Committee, and stated that owing to the present conditions of war work and hours they would be unable to fulfil their fixtures for that season. In early September the season was declared closed “owing to various clubs not being able to complete their fixtures due to war work”.

History 1984-1998