We recommend each captain should print off a new set of rules each year. You will find any rule changes from the previous year are highlighted in RED.
The following notes are intended to highlight the main issues which can arise during the season. They are not intended to be the definitive answer to all problems.
- Check the website to ensure your results have been correctly entered. Mistakes can happen. If you have any concerns, please contact the respective League Rep by email.
- Please ensure the Result Card is filled in correctly with all information i.e. league, division, date, team names and the team players full names.
- Both captains must countersign the result card AFTER the game and ensure that all the information is accurate and complete.
- It is recommended that results cards are sent in by email ASAP after the game. All results must be with the League Rep within 5 days of the match being played.
- Any telephone messages or emails should also have the league, division, date and full team name to help identify which of the many league teams it relates to.
- We suggest each captain should have a full list of all of their registered players. If you need to register a new player during the season, please contact the league representative by email and send a copy to the Fixture Secretary. Any phone calls must be followed up by an email.
- Only 3 SUBSTITUTES are allowed in any one match. These can only come from a lower division or from a club team in the same division. It is not essential for you to highlight the substitutes on the results care, but you can if you wish.
- Games can be rearranged if there are exceptional circumstances outside of everyone’s control i.e. weather. Any other reason is likely to incur a penalty of 2 or 5 points (see rules 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 and 11.6).
- League representatives must be informed of all rearranged matches.
- Not all events can be, or are covered, by the rules. For these occasions we ask that opposing captains come to a mutual agreement as to what action to take in a spirit of fair play
- .If you have any queries relating to any matter concerning a fixture, please don’t hesitate to contact the Fixture Secretary or any League Representative.