DateHomeResultsAwayTimeVenuePointsPenalties 2024-04-27 00:00:0027 April 2024City of Peterborough City WE8 - 2Westward Tigers WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A2-2024-05-11 00:00:0011 May 2024Westward Tigers WE2 - 8Blackstones WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A2-2024-05-18 00:00:0018 May 2024Stamford Town WE0 - 10Westward Tigers WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A10-2024-06-01 00:00:001 June 2024Westward Tigers WE10 - 0City of Peterborough Molins WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A10-2024-06-15 00:00:0015 June 2024Westward Tigers WE7 - 3Yaxley Sharks 00:00:0012:00 amN/A7-2024-06-22 00:00:0022 June 2024Yaxley Seals2 - 8Westward Tigers WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A8-2024-06-29 00:00:0029 June 2024Westward Tigers WE3 - 7City of Peterborough City WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A3-2024-07-13 00:00:0013 July 2024Westward Tigers WE2 - 8Stamford Town WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A2-2024-07-20 00:00:0020 July 2024City of Peterborough Molins WE2 - 8Westward Tigers WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A8-2024-07-27 00:00:0027 July 2024Westward Tigers WE2 - 8Peterborough & District WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A2-2024-08-03 00:00:003 August 2024Yaxley Sharks0 - 10Westward Tigers WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A10-2024-08-10 00:00:0010 August 2024Westward Tigers WE10 - 0Yaxley Seals 00:00:0012:00 amN/A10-2024-08-17 00:00:0017 August 2024Peterborough & District WE2 - 8Westward Tigers WE 00:00:0012:00 amN/A8-2024-09-01 14:00:001 September 2024Blackstones WE4 - 6Westward Tigers WE 14:00:002:00 pmN/A6-